Video from Demi

We received this video from Demi on July 24th. The day prior, after finishing her stint in the Orwellian-named restorative housing unit (RHU – a euphemism for solitary confinement), she was transferred to the unit in the video. This unit, formerly the reception unit, was emptied of inmates and turned into a segregated housing unit for transfemme inmates in direct violation of PREA.

Later that day, Demi was forcibly taken into a transport van where she was beaten by a gang of correctional officers before being taken to Garden State Youth Correctional Facility, then New Jersey State Prison, then a few days later Garden State again.

Demi now faces a choice between putting herself in the mind numbing loneliness of solitary confinement or the constant homophobic and transphobic harassment and assault of general population.

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